Fishing season: from 1.4. to 31.10.
Description of boundaries: The Soča River from the bridge by house number Trenta 1 to the bridge in the village Čezsoča with the tributaries of Lepena and Koritnica.
Permitted to fish within: The Soča River from the bridge by house number Trenta 1 to the bridge in Čezsoča with the tributaries of Lepena (entire stream) and Koritnica (from the confluence of the Soča River to the bridge at Kluže):
Permitted fishing methods: - fly fishing - fishing with a fly rod and one artificial fly and single barbless hook
Permitted daily catch: 3 salmonids, of which only 1 marble trout. Only one salmonid over 50 cm. After harvesting the 3rd fish (daily limit is reached) fishing is not allowed anymore.
The minimum fish length and fishing season:
- Marble trout 60 cm, from 1.4. to 30.9.
- Grayling harvesting is not allowed!
- Rainbow trout with no minimum length, from 1.4. to 31.10.
- cross Marble and brown trout, with no minimum length, from 1.4. to 30.10.
Type of fishing licenses: Fishing permits are for 1 day, for 3 days, for 7 consecutive days ‘all catch and release’ districts,and annual fishing licenses for members and non-members of RZS.
Sales points for fishing permits:
- Ribiška hiša, Interpretacijsko središče za ribištvo* Interpreting Centre for Fisheries, Kal-Koritnica 35, 5230 Bovec, tel: +386 (0)5 384 19 29, OPEN DAILY 8:30 - 11:30; TUESDAY and THURSDAY 16:30 - 19:30.
- Kamp Klin, Lepena 1, 5232 Soča, tel: +386 (0)5 388 95 13
- Online purchase of daily fishing permits at
Fishing species in Soča river |
Family | Species | Scientific name |
Salmonidae | Marble trout | Salmo marmoratus |
Salmonidae | Marble and brown trout cross | S. marmoratus x S. trutta f. fario |
Salmonidae | Rainbow trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss |
Thymallidae | Grayling - landing is not allowed! | Thymallus thymallus |
Salmonidae | Brown trout | Salmo trutta fario |