Fishing District - Lepena Angling

Fishing season: from 1.4. to 31.10.

Description of boundaries: The Soča River from the source to the bridge in Čezsoča village with the tributaries of Lepena (whole flow) and Koritnica (from bridge at Kluže until the confluence with Soča).

Permitted to fish within: The Soča River from the bridge on the road for the village Vas na Skali to the bridge in village Čezsoča with the tributaries of Lepena and Koritnica (from the confluence of the Soča River to the bridge at Kluže):

- Catch and release part: from the bridge on the road to village Vas na Skali to the confluence with Lepena and from the bridge in Kršovec to the bridge in Čezsoča, complete Lepena and Koritnica from the bridge on the road Bovec - Trenta to the confluence of the Soča River,

Permitted fishing methods: - fly fishing - fishing with a fly rod and one artificial fly and single barbless hook.

Permitted daily catch: 3 salmonids, of which only 1 can be marble trout. Only one salmonid over 50 cm is permitted.

The minimum fish length and fishing season:

Marble trout 40 cm, from 1.4. to 30.9.

Grayling harvesting is not allowed!

Brown trout without a minimum length, from 1.4. to 31.10.

Rainbow trout without a minimum length, from 1.4. to 31.10.

- crossbred marble and brown trout, with no minimum length, from 1.4. to 30.10.

Type of fishing licenses: Fishing licenses are for 1 day, for 3 days, for 7 consecutive days ‘all catch and release’ districts, and annual fishing licenses for members and non-members of RZS.

Prodajna mesta ribolovnih dovolilnic:

-Kamp Klin, Lepena 1, 5232 Soča, tel: (05) 388 95 13

-Ribiška hiša, Interpretacijsko središče za ribištvo* Interpreting Centre for Fisheries, Kal-Koritnica 35, 5230 Bovec, tel: +386 (0)5 384 19 29,  OPEN DAILY 8:30 - 11:30; TUESDAY and THURSDAY 16:30 - 19:30.

- Online purchase of daily fishing permits at

Fishing species


Family Species Scientific name
Salmonidae Marble trout Salmo marmoratus
Salmonidae križanec soške in potočne postrvi S. marmoratus x S. trutta f. fario
Salmonidae Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
Thymallidae Grayling - harvesting is not allowed! Thymallus thymallus
Salmonidae Brown trout Salmo trutta fario

quick Contact

Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia
+386 1 24 43 400
+386 1 24 43 405