Fishing season: from 1.3. to 30.11
Description of boundaries: Iščica from the source to the
bridge in Hauptmance with its tributaries, except the Želimeljščica.
Permitted to fish within: Iščica from the source to the
bridge in Hauptmance
Permitted fishing methods: fly fishing - fishing with a fly
rod and one artificial fly and barbless, single hook.
Permitted daily catch: Fishing is permitted only with ‘catch
and release’ method. Every caught fish has to be immediately released back to
the water unharmed.
The minimum fish length: Daily catch is
not permitted
Type of fishing licenses: Fishing is permitted only with
yearly fishing license.
Sales locations for fishing licenses:
- Online purchase
Fish species:
In the attached document (fishing_district_iscica) you will find the description of the fishing district with all the information required.