In recent years, the problem of non-native species has been
increasingly observed, with the majority being brought to the new environment
mostly by human (intentional or unintentional) treatment. According to recent
data, there are a growing number of non-native species in aquatic ecosystems
that pose a threat to native species. The same non-native species do not, in
principle, present the problems they exhibit when the species becomes invasive.
To understand that a species is so successful in its new environment that,
through its expansion and activities, it threatens native species, affects
biodiversity, ecosystem services, human health, and can cause great economic
Red dots represent non native invasive species finds made by FRIS.
The following are basic definitions summarised under the
Convention on Biological Diversity and EU Regulation No. 1143/2014:
o Indigenous species are species, subspecies or taxa of a
lower category that are within their normal natural range, even if only
occasionally. The species has reached such areas on its own, with natural
o Non-indigenous species are species, subspecies or taxa of
a lower category introduced into an area other than their natural range or
area. which could themselves be achieved through natural expansion. This also
applies to any part of the organism capable of survival and reproduction (germ
cells, eggs, larvae).
o Transitional non-native species (acclimatised species) are
species that only occur occasionally in an area and do not form permanent
populations. They are only maintained by resettlement.
o Potentially invasive species are species, subspecies or
taxa of a lower category that are already invasive in an area with similar
climatic conditions to ours, or their related species that have already proven
invasive in an area.
o Invasive non-native species (hereinafter referred to as
INNS) are only those species, subspecies or taxa of the lower category that,
through their dissemination, endanger or adversely affect biodiversity and
ecosystem services.
o A naturalised species is a species that, in the new
environment, without human assistance, reproduces independently and regularly,
maintains populations, but does not yet cause any detectable damage to the
o "Door knocker" species are called non-native species that are not present in Slovenia, but they are more likely to enter our country due to their presence and distribution in neighbouring countries. As these species have a high potential to enter Slovenia, special attention should be paid to them and every effort should be made to prevent their introduction and spread.
o Potentially non-native species are those species that may have already spread to Slovenia naturally from neighbouring countries, as well as those that have already been found or cultivated in Slovenia but have not been able to establish a naturalised population.
EU Regulation no. 1143/2014
In 2014, the EU adopted a new EU Regulation no. 1143/2014 of
the European Parliament and of the Council on the prevention and control of the
introduction and spread of invasive alien species.
EU Regulation entered into force on 1 January 2015
and is binding on all Member States. The regulation sets out "rules to
prevent, as far as possible, to minimise and mitigate the harmful effects of the
deliberate and unintended introduction and spread of invasive alien species on
biodiversity in the Union."
Pursuant to this Regulation, on 13 July 2016, the European
Commission adopted Commission Implementing Regulation 2016/1141 adopting a list
of invasive alien species of concern to the Union. This Regulation is
accompanied by an initial list of invasive alien species of concern to the
Union, on which 37 INNS have been classified. The Commission shall thoroughly
review this list every 6 years and, if necessary, update it in the interim. The
list was updated by two more regulations, on 12 July 2017 with Commission
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1263 adding 12 more species and on 25 July
2019 with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1262, to which 17 more
species were added. Thus, a total of 66 INNS are now listed, of which 30 are
animal and 36 are plant. All species on the Union list are subject to the most
stringent anti-proliferation measures.
It is forbidden to import into the Union, reproduce,
cultivate, transport, buy, sell, use, exchange, possess or release them into
the environment!
• IMPACT ON BIODIVERSITY: INNS can pose a major threat to
native species and habitats through competition, predation and disease
ecosystem balance, affect its properties and service delivery itself, thus
affecting the entire ecosystem function.
• IMPACT ON HUMAN HEALTH: INNS can be potential carriers of certain diseases, can cause allergies and various skin injuries.
The Union list currently lists 10 invasive alien species
whose habitat is exclusively water:
Pseudorasbora parva - Stone moroko, topmouth gudgeon
Lepomis gibbosus - Pumpkinseed
Perccottus glenii - Chinese sleeper
Plotosus lineatus - Striped eel catfish
Procambarus clarkii - Red swamp crayfish
Procambarus fallax f. virginalis - Marble crayfish
Faxonius limosus - Spinny cheek crayfish
Pacifastacus leniusculus - Signal crayfish
Faxonius virilis - Virile crayfish
Eriocheir sinensis - Chinese mitten crab