Catalogue of Public Information  

Catalogue of Public Information

1. Basic information about the catalog

Name of the body: Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia
Abbreviation: ZZRS/FRIS
Responsible official: Matevž Podjed, Director
Date of publication of the catalog: 16.10.2013
Last modified: 03.04.2024
The catalog is available online at: Public Information


2. General information about the agency and public information in its possession

2.a Organizational chart and data

Organization: Organizational structure
Description of work area: Activities of the Institute
List of internal organizational units: Employees

2.b List of other bodies in/from the field of work/work field (only for the ministries)

2.c Contact information, official persons responsible for information proceedings

  First and Last Name Title Telephone no.
Responsible/competent person Tadeja Vomer Lawyer VII/2  01/ 24 43 418   
Deputy competent person   Professional Research Fellow 01/ 24 43 415

2.d The list of laws, regulations, by-laws and regulations of the European Community with the scope of work (through state, local, and European regulations directories)

EU regulations:

National regulations:

2.e List of proposed regulations

Acts in preparation

2.f List of strategic and program documents by content/content blocks National programs, strategies, plans:

Nacionalni programi, strategije, načrti:

2.g List of types of administrative, judicial, or legislative procedures

Laws and regulations:
Tenders (current/open, closed and archived):

2.h List of public records, managed by the Institute


2.i List of other electronic database systems

Biological database of Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia (BIOS):

2.j Most important types of other public information, and the list of individual documents

Activities of the Institute (grouped) by content:

3. Description of the access to other public information

Access to internet
Physical access Spodnje Gameljne 61A, 1211 Ljubljana-Šmartno
Costs for information transfer/or: cost of providing public information Regulation on the Provision and Re-use of Public Sector Information (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 76/2005).


4. List of most frequently requested public information

Work programs and financial plans of the Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia:

Annual Reports of Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia:

quick Contact

Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia
+386 1 24 43 400
+386 1 24 43 405